FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions with Premier Web Search Online


A few questions that pop up from time to time

Should i buy multiple domain names to point to my site?

Unfortunately, there's no good use for those when it comes to the search engines. If you try to gain an unfair advantage in the engines by blanketing them with lots of different sites, you will then be into that "deceptive" territory.

Which keyword should I choose plural and singular?

Both keyword phrases such as the singular and plural forms of your words, which are related, are extremely simple to use within the visible copy on your pages. When we naturally write or speak, we use both plural and singular forms of words, so why restrict yourself to one or the other?

How long does it take to see results?

It can take between 2 to 12 months to see results, depending on each search engine. Our online marketing Digital Marketing team starts tracking your website's performance 14 days after submission. We will forward all results as they come in over time. Ask about our reporting services.

How do the Search Engine find websites?

Search engines use spiders to index the contents of a website and archive it for references, these spiders gather certain bits of information from the website in order to understand what that website is about.

What is a "Spider"?

A "spider" is an electronic robot that travels the web examining websites in order to add them to a search engine database and rank them according to the specific ranking criteria for that search engine. Most search engines use spiders to quickly and efficiently canvass the web for information.

What is Digital Marketing?

Digital Marketing is the process of making websites search engine friendly. The process often involves minor modifications to, or additions of, several standard elements of a website.

Why do i need links?

Well quite simply optimisation of a websites' coding these day is sometimes not enough especially in very competitive categories, this is where the power of links come into play, links pointing to your website inform the search engines that your website is of importance and your site is rewarded with a higher PageRank.

What's PageRank?

PageRank is a scoring system the search engines' use for important websites, the higher the PageRank the higher the position on the search engines.

Quick Fact

Search Engines out perform all other media in driving visitors to websites with 85% of Internet users citing search engines as the primary method to find websites.
Traffic from search engines is the most valuable kind of traffic as it is comprised of qualified visitors actively looking for a product, service information or solution.
Search engines work for you non-stop 24/7.

Quick Fact

Scarily 93% of websites fail quite simply because people can not find them, the main way customers find a website is via search engines just ask yourself where do you go on the net to find a site?.
Chances are you like 80% of us will use Google or Yahoo, the two most popular search engines with millions of searches carried out every minute it is easy to see why using an expert Digital Marketing Firm makes perfect sense.

These are just a few examples of the benefits of digital marketing can have for your site, for more information please contact us today.

Premier Web Search: Online Marketing With a Difference!